The Marina Swingers wrote 60 songs and recorded 40 of them. Some were a little over the top, but here are a handful of the classics. The next section “Outthere” has the “over the tops.” The instrumentals are in the “Instrumentals” section.



    Human Being was one of the earlier Swingers songs and a crowd favorite. There is a live performance video of “Human Being” on You Tube (see video section). Jocko and Eddie recorded the tracts for this version in the 90’s and Jimmy Burque helped with the vocals. The Swingers used three languages during the middle section: Hungarian, Spanish and Tagolog.


    Jimmy and Eddie rearranged a raggae song entitled “I Saw Mommy and Daddy Fighting” that the earlier Swingers performed as a pseudo punk song with great vocals by Gary Jones. See below for an actual recording of the original version of “I Saw Mommy and Daddy Fighting.” In “Darkest Nite” Jocko joined Eddie and Jimmy and helped choreograph the entire intro section. Jimmy’s brother Joe Burque worked with Jimmy on the background vocals parts (the Everly Brother’s Sound). Jimmy’s neighbor Misty added the great female vocals during the intro.


    “Repetition” was always a crowd favorite. This 1985 studio version does not resemble the live versions of Repetition. The “Adios Sweet Agua” CD coming out in 2023 has a classic live performance of “Repetition” from the 1982 “Idios Sweetwater” show. This studio version ventures into other exploratory areas of Swinger production. Eddie performs an early ‘white guy’ rap - (thanks Toddius Maximus for early inspiration) and Jimmy Burque and his brother Joe provide all the background vocals. Keith Wechsler engineered and KROQ DeeJay John Logic played it once on his show. It is definetly interesting.


    This recording of “I’m a Swinger” officially created the Marina Swingers. In late 1977, Eddie and Jocko recorded “Swinger” in a little recording studio on the fourth floor of the Mattel Toy Company building. Jocko engineered the session and programed and played all the synthesizer lines and Eddie hauled his drums and guitar amps in the freight elevator to record the rhythm tracks. Eddie had never sang or recorded vocals before “Swinger.” He discovered a new and challenging hobbie.


    “Vibe City” was one of the earlier songs the Swingers recorded and performed live. In fact there are more recorded versions of “Vibe City” then any other song. In 1984 Esteban, Jimmy, Paul and Eddie recorded the basic instrument tracks in a small 8 track studio in Bellflower. The Swingers recorded the vocals and mixed the tracks with Keith Weschler at Sound Solution Studios in Santa Monica. Jimmy and his brother Joe Burque added the back ground vocals - a very different, but interesting version of the song.


    The Swingers ended most sets with “We Gotta Go.” This version was definetly one of their best performances of “We Gotta Go” and the Swinger Sweetwater crowd rewarded them accordingly.


    Another spontaneous Swinger adventure in the studio, interpreting "The Knack” classic “My Sherona” in Spanish and calling it “Me Cherona.” Jocko’s medley of Tijuana Brass melodies is hilarious……. Dr. Demento loved it …… The attached recording is of Dr. Demento first introducing “Me Cherona” on his show and then his describing of “Me Cherona” climbing to No 6 on his Top !0 Wacko tracks of the week.

  • “PATTI

    ”In the late 70’s Mike Muffins and Eddie quickly wrote “Patti,” grabbed a guitar and went into a Beverly Hills apartment garage and recorded a rough version. Years later Swinger’s vocalist Steve Layton added two more verses and the Swingers along with engineer and keyboardist Mark Barton and along with Jimmy and Esteban recorded an eight tract version of “Patti.” It is a very different type of Swinger song… Steve and Eddie recently performed “Patti” at a Pier 52 hoot nite. They didn’t get an encore, but the audience was amused and amazed. Steve is terrific.


    We kicked off our set at the Roxy with the Wilson / Love Beach Boy classic “Fun Fun Fun.” This Swinger group featured the cousins John Bliss and Gary Jones. Though not a great recording the performance showcases John Bliss’s powerful drumming that lifted the band to a different level of intensity. John’s drumming in “Powertrip” can be found on their one LP recording. He was something else, besides being a tremendous personality on stage.


(Call, Dulong, Winters, Norris)

A very interesting arrangement to a Swinger audience favorite frequently performed live. Before going into the studio the Swingers typically expanded the live arrangement by adding different voices, additional instruments, and some humor. Jocko and Eddie recorded the music tracks in 1993 and Jimmy Burque joined in to contribute his vocals. A live performance of “I Like Being a Human Being” can be found on You Tube (see the video section for direct access).


(Swinger arrangement by Jimmy, Eddie and Jocko of a reggae song entitled “I Saw Mommy and Daddy Fighting” - authors unknown)

Jimmy and Eddie booked time in a Santa Monica studio, the Sound Solution, while the 1984 Summer Olympics marathon runners were racing down on Ocean Park outside the studio. We took a break to watch as the runners ran along the ocean street. It was a great moment.

Engineer Keith Wechsler was essential in allowing the Swingers to explore all their pent up zany ideas during this session recording of “Darkest Nite. Years later Keith mixed the “Barrack Obama Song” for the Swingers. The Swingers have always been indebted to Keith for opening doors and allowing them to explore their imaginations in the studio. Dr. Demento thought “Darkest Nite” was one of the best songs he had heard that year. It is an unusual piece. The Swingers were first introduced to the sheet music “I Saw Mommy and Daddy Fighting” when asked to play the song by clients of the Swingers who booked them to play a party and perform that song. Payment was dependent upon playing the song. The Swingers complied and later in the 90’s rearranged “Mommy and Daddy” to become “Darkest Nite” an unusual Swinger classic.


(Call, Dulong, Winters, Norris, Washington)

Repetition was one of the first Swinger compositions. Eddie wrote the basic charts and came up with the lyrical content. Since he could not sing, Eddie wrote what was comfortable parts that he could perform. The Swingers joined right in. Toddius later inspired Eddie to add the “white guy rap,” in this studio version.

This recording produced by Jimmy, Eddie and Jocko does not resemble the energy of a live version of Repetition. Keith Wechsler engineered and it was pretty exciting hearing KROQ DeeJay John Logic spin it once on his show. Keith Wechsler has worked with the Beach Boys and Emerson, Lake and Palmer. He is an amazing talent and capable of taking mediocre performances and mixing them into something pretty special..


(Call, Dulong)

“I’m a Swinger” officially created the Marina Swingers and was really a fusion of various styles of music. Jocko had definetly expanded from his heavy English progressive roots and blossomed as a synthesist creating multiple sounds and effects. Drum machines were not available, so Jocko pulled the built in drum machine on his dad’s organ and utilized the cheesy rhythm pattern to kick off “Swinger.” It worked perfectly and off they went recording track after track building on this interesting mosaic of rhythms and sounds. “I’m a Swinger” was by no means a hit record or money maker (we did receive "$100 from Marina Records in Germany - that was cool), but thanks to Phil Culp (LAX Records) we did get airplay in certain spots around the world.


(Call, Dulong, Winters, Norris, Burque)

Esteban, Jimmy, Paul and Eddie recorded their instrument tracts in a small 8 track studio in Bellflower. Esteban played some wonderful sweeping synthesizer lines that helped define this version of “Vibe City.” This version is a little dark, but we have all experienced powerful negatives vibes. Engineer Keith Weschler at Santa Monica’s Sound Solution Studios provided a great mix. We went to Keith later to record “Darkest Nite,” “Repetition” and mix “The Barrack Obama Song.”


(Call, Winters, Norris, Dulong)

“We Gotta Go” was one of the earlier Swinger songs that Norham, Esteban, Jocko and Ed performed live at the end of most shows. But there may not have been a performance that kicked as hard as this one. Audience always loved “We Gotta Go,” but this version specially captivated the Swinger faithful - they went nuts…. The Swingers loved playing the song because it incorporated many styles of music.


(Fieger, Averre)

“Me Cherona,” is a satirical version of “My Sherona” and became an early crowd favorite at Swinger shows. “Me Cherona” made Dr. Demento’s nationally syndicated show’s Top 10 twice.. Jocko’s live performances of various Tijuana Brass melodies in the middle section always drew huge laughs. The Knack drummer (great drummer) Bruce Gary surprised the Swingers while they performed “Cherona” during their first set at the Roxy with comedian Frazier Smith. Knowing there were no live drums during the song (we used drum machines), Eddie looked back in amazement and confusion once he heard live drums. Bruce disappeared after that song and the Swingers never saw him again, but always enjoyed that moment in front of 500 people. We have also included recordings of Dr. Demento introducing “Me Cherona” on his radio broadcast.


After Mike Muffins and Eddie wrote and recorded “Patti” in 1978 in a Beverly Hills apartment garage Mike and the Swingers performed “Patti” during their early shows. Neither Eddie or Jocko ever sang “Patti” live again and forgot about the song until 1983 when Swinger vocalist Steve Layton wrote two new verses and proposed recording the song. Working with engineer and keyboardist Mark Barton the Swingers recorded an eight tract version of “Patti.” Due to the lack of funds the Swingers used drum machines (we could not afford a larger studio for Norham’s drums). It is a very different type of Swinger song … Esteban and Mark played keyboards and Jimmy and Eddie played bass and guitar. Steve Layton is a unique talent and was terrific. Patti would have been a classic live in Swinger shows.


Jocko introduced this version of the Marina Swingers when opening for the “Surf Punks” at the Roxy. Gary and Eddie kick off “Fun Fun Fun” with the Beach Boys recognizable simple guitar lick intro. John Bliss’s powerful drumming lifts the band to a different level. The recording is not the best, but John Bliss, John Leisure, Gary and Eddie locked pretty well and Esteban always performed his easily identifiable keyboard lines.

During one show, Eddie remembers seeing Dennis Wilson in the back of Blackies West sipping a cold one. He told Eddie he enjoyed the Swinger’s version of “Fun Fun Fun.” That was pretty cool….