Marina Swingers

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In this 2021video, the Swingers explore their alternative, big band, surf sound. The amazing visuals they captured along the southbay beaches reflect the changing environment of this amazing area. A number of the Swingers, besides being musicians, were artists, film and early video students. Norham, Eddie, Jimmy and Jocko have lived in “Silicon Beach” Southbay since the early days of LMU and Marina Del Rey.


This video was shot on stage at the infamous Sweetwater Nite Club in1982 next to the pier in Redondo Beach. The audio was recorded live by a mobil recording studio parked in the outside parking lot adjacent to the Fleetwood. The recording captures the clear sound of the Swingers stage performance along with the incredible Sweetwater audience participation.


One of the classic Marina Swingers performances - “Respect” live at the Sweetwater - 1982. Raucous crowd, raucous peformance…..


The Swingers perform “Casual” live at Florentine Gardens 1982 — Hardly a casual evening!


“The Barack Obama Song-the Marina Swingers”

The Marina Swingers write and record a video in support of then Senator Barack Obama in his quest to win the presidential election of 2008. Republicans and Democrats contributed.


“The Budweiser Song”

The Marina Swingers are invited by Peter Ivers and Dave Jove in 1981 to perform for the second time on New Wave Theater. They later return in 1983 and perform “Casual.” Always an event with Peter Ivers…..


“I Bring Fear”

The Marina Swingers collaborate with vocalist musician David Ray Stephens and artist Austin Jones in the creation of this music video. Some great lyrics by Mike Brison. Check their websites, David and Austin are both tremendous talents.



The Marina Swingers rearranged the music to a Swinger audience favorite “We Gotta Go” and then wrote some lyrics and arranged the vocal parts to promote candidate Vice President / Senator Joe Biden in his campaign to win the 2020 presidential election. The Swingers always operated in a by partisan democratic format. Due to time limits, the Swingers thru the video together to see if a few folks would watch it and vote.


One of the unique influences in all of the founding members of the Marina Swingers, is their participation as teenagers in high school marching and pep bands:  Notre Dame HS, Burmingham HS, Harvard HS all in the San Fernando Valley and Daniel Murphy HS in the Fairfax District of LA.  So obviously the Swingers were not jocks, but a bunch of nerdy guys that were trying to be cool by playing in rock bands and marching bands.  It didn’t work the Swingers didn’t date too many cheerleaders.  


But playing in marching bands helped them learn about teamwork and working in an organized group to create a music ensemble that hopefully sounded good.  One Swinger joined the military high school band just to avoid marching with a rifle in the blazing valley sun and being harassed by upper classmen officers.  


As a tribute to all the marching bands the Marina Swingers and Admiralty Way Productions have produced a video entitled “Fight On”  to pay respects to one of the best Marching bands in the country – The USC Spirit of Troy Marching Band. 


During a USC football game Eddie (Swinger co-founder) age six, saw the Trojans  Marching Band drum core and asked his parents for a drum for Christmas.  Norham (Swingers drummer) ended up working with a band leader that became a renown jazz musician and big band leader.


In 1980, the Swingers went in the studio and recorded the “USC Fight Song” and pressed up 100 singles with artwork attached.  The two minute video production includes the Marina Swingers performing the first half of the “Fight Song” and the USC  Marching Band is featured in the second half.  The USC cheerleaders are always fun to watch.  Though some of the Swingers are Bruin fans or actually oblivious to football, they enjoyed recording the music of this absolutely terrific fight song. 


Fight On !

“I Saw Mommy and Daddy Fighting”

The Marina Swingers were asked to perform a version of a song entitled “I Saw Mommy and Daddy Fighting” in 1979 by potential clients wanting to hire the Swingers to perform at an event. The original version was a reggae song written by an unknown husband/wife team, so the Swingers rearranged it Swinger’s style. Swingers Norham, Jimmy and Eddie, along with Admiralty Way Productions, produced a new Swinger video featuring former Swingers Gary Jones (lead vocalist) and John Bliss as the vocalists. We hope you enjoy this very interesting and unusual gem of a song "I Saw Mommy and Daddy Fighting."